ensure_package <- function(pkg){
pkg <- as.character(substitute(pkg))
options(repos = c(CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org"))
if(!require(pkg, character.only=TRUE)) install.packages(pkg)
stopifnot(require(pkg, character.only=TRUE))
get_eia_sep <- function(state, abbr){
state_formatted <- str_to_lower(state) |> str_replace_all("\\s", "")
dir_name <- file.path("data", "mp02")
file_name <- file.path(dir_name, state_formatted)
dir.create(dir_name, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
BASE_URL <- "https://www.eia.gov"
REQUEST <- request(BASE_URL) |>
req_url_path("electricity", "state", state_formatted)
RESPONSE <- req_perform(REQUEST)
writeLines(resp_body_string(RESPONSE), file_name)
TABLE <- read_html(file_name) |>
html_element("table") |>
html_table() |>
mutate(Item = str_to_lower(Item))
if("U.S. rank" %in% colnames(TABLE)){
TABLE <- TABLE |> rename(Rank = `U.S. rank`)
CO2_MWh <- TABLE |>
filter(Item == "carbon dioxide (lbs/mwh)") |>
pull(Value) |>
str_replace_all(",", "") |>
filter(Item == "primary energy source") |>
filter(Item == "average retail price (cents/kwh)") |>
pull(Value) |>
filter(Item == "net generation (megawatthours)") |>
pull(Value) |>
str_replace_all(",", "") |>
data.frame(CO2_MWh = CO2_MWh,
primary_source = PRIMARY,
electricity_price_MWh = RATE * 10, # / 100 cents to dollars &
# * 1000 kWh to MWH
generation_MWh = GENERATION_MWh,
state = state,
abbreviation = abbr
EIA_SEP_REPORT <- map2(state.name, state.abb, get_eia_sep) |> list_rbind()
STA 9750 Mini-Project #02: Identifying Environmentally Responsible US Public Transit Systems
Due Dates
- Released to Students: 2025-02-27
- Initial Submission: 2025-03-26 11:45pm ET on GitHub and Brightspace
Peer Feedback:
- Peer Feedback Assigned: 2025-03-27 on GitHub
- Peer Feedback Due: 2025-04-02 11:45pm ET on GitHub
Estimated Time to Complete: 9 Hours
Estimated Time for Peer Feedback: 1 Hour
Welcome to Mini-Project #02. In this project, you will take on the role of Executive Director of the Green Transit Alliance for Investigation of Variance (GTA IV). GTA IV will be giving a series of awards for the “greenest” public transit agencies. Your final submission for this mini-project should take the form of a press release, announcing the winners of the various GTA IV awards and giving the key statistics that lead to their selection.
For this project, you will use “multi-table” operations such as joins and pivots, to combine data from different sources to generate novel insights not attainable from any individual table. Our analysis will bring in data from two federal sources, the National Transit Database and the Energy Information Administration.
Student Responsbilities
Recall our basic analytic workflow and table of student responsibilities:
- Data Ingest and Cleaning: Given a single data source, read it into
and transform it to a reasonably useful standardized format. - Data Combination and Alignment: Combine multiple data sources to enable insights not possible from a single source.
- Descriptive Statistical Analysis: Take a data table and compute informative summary statistics from both the entire population and relevant subgroups
- Data Visualization: Generate insightful data visualizations to spur insights not attainable from point statistics
- Inferential Statistical Analysis and Modeling: Develop relevant predictive models and statistical analyses to generate insights about the underlying population and not simply the data at hand.
Ingest and Cleaning | Combination and Alignment | Descriptive Statistical Analysis | Visualization | |
Mini-Project #01 | ✓ | |||
Mini-Project #02 | ✓ | ✓ | ½ | |
Mini-Project #03 | ½ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Mini-Project #04 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
In this mini-project, you are mainly responsible for data alignment and basic statistical analyses. While not the main focus of this mini-project, you are also expected to provide basic data visualizations to support your findings; the grading rubric, below, emphasizes the dplyr
tools used in this project, but reports without any visualization will be penalized severely. Note that data visualization will play a larger role in Mini-Project #03.
As before, I will provide code to automatically download and read in the data used for this project. Also note that, as compared with Mini-Project #01, I am providing significantly less ‘scaffolding’: students are more responsible for directing their own analyses.
STA 9750 Mini-Projects are evaluated using peer grading with meta-review by the course GTAs. Specifically, variants of the following rubric will be used for the mini-projects:
Course Element | Excellent (9-10) | Great (7-8) | Good (5-6) | Adequate (3-4) | Needs Improvement (1-2) | Extra Credit |
Written Communication | Report is well-written and flows naturally. Motivation for key steps is clearly explained to reader without excessive detail. Key findings are highlighted and appropriately given context. | Report has no grammatical or writing issues. Writing is accessible and flows naturally. Key findings are highlighted, but lack suitable motivation and context. | Report has no grammatical or writing issues. Key findings are present but insufficiently highlighted. | Writing is intelligible, but has some grammatical errors. Key findings are obscured. | Report exhibits significant weakness in written communication. Key points are difficult to discern. | Report includes extra context beyond instructor provided information. |
Project Skeleton | Code completes all instructor-provided tasks correctly. Responses to open-ended tasks are particularly insightful and creative. | Code completes all instructor-provided tasks satisfactorially. | Response to one instructor provided task is skipped, incorrect, or otherwise incomplete. | Responses to two instructor provided tasks are skipped, incorrect, or otherwise incomplete. | Response to three or ore instructor provided tasks are skipped, incorrect, or otherwise incomplete. | Report exhibits particularly creative insights drawn from thorough student-initiated analyses. |
Formatting & Display |
Tables have well-formatted column names, suitable numbers of digits, and attractive presentation. Figures are ‘publication-quality’, with suitable axis labels, well-chosen structure, attractive color schemes, titles, subtitles, and captions, etc. |
Tables are well-formatted, but still have room for improvement. Figures are above ‘exploratory-quality’, but do not reach full ‘publication-quality’. |
Tables lack significant ‘polish’ and need improvement in substance (filtering and down-selecting of presented data) or style. Figures are suitable to support claims made, but are ‘exploratory-quality’, reflecting minimal effort to customize and ‘polish’ beyond |
Unfiltered ‘data dump’ instead of curated table. Baseline figures that do not fully support claims made. |
Report lacks basic tables; OR report lacks basic figures. | Report includes one or more high-quality graphics (created using R ) using tools beyond static basic ggplot2 . These can be created using extensions toggplot2 or speciality packages for interactive graphics. |
Code Quality |
Code is (near) flawless. Code passes all |
Comments give context of the analysis, not simply defining functions used in a particular line. | Code has well-chosen variable names and basic comments. | Code executes properly, but is difficult to read. | Code fails to execute properly. | Code takes advantage of advanced Quarto features to improve presentation of results. |
Data Preparation | Automatic (10/10). Out of scope for this mini-project | Report modifies instructor-provided import code to use additional columns or data sources in a way that creates novel insights. |
Note that this rubric is designed with copious opportunities for extra credit if students go above and beyond the instructor-provided scaffolding. Students pursuing careers in data analytics are strongly encouraged to go beyond the strict ambit of the mini-projects to i) further refine their skills; ii) learn additional techniques that can be used in the final course project; and iii) develop a more impressive professional portfolio.
Because students are encouraged to use STA 9750 mini-projects as the basis for a professional portfolio, the basic skeleton of each project will be released under a fairly permissive usage license. Take advantage of it!
Submission Instructions
After completing the analysis, write up your findings, showing all of your code, using a dynamic quarto
document and post it to your course repository. The qmd
file should be named mp02.qmd
so the rendered document can be found at docs/mp02.html
in the student’s repository and served at the URL:1
Once you confirm this website works (substituting <GITHUB_ID>
for the actual GitHub username provided to the professor in MP#00 of course), open a new issue at
Title the issue STA 9750 <GITHUB_ID> MiniProject #02
and fill in the following text for the issue:
Hi @michaelweylandt!
I've uploaded my work for MiniProject #**02** - check it out!
Once the submission deadline passes, the instructor will tag classmates for peer feedback in this issue thread.
Additionally, a PDF export of this report should be submitted on Brightspace. To create a PDF from the uploaded report, simply use your browser’s ‘Print to PDF’ functionality.
NB: The analysis outline below specifies key tasks you need to perform within your write up. Your peer evaluators will check that you complete these. You are encouraged to do extra analysis, but the bolded Tasks are mandatory.
NB: Your final submission should look like a report, not simply a list of facts answering questions. Add introductions, conclusions, and your own commentary. You should be practicing both raw coding skills and written communication in all mini-projects. There is little value in data points stated without context or motivation.
Hi @michaelweylandt!
I've uploaded my work for MiniProject #02 - check it out!
Mini-Project #02: Identifying Environmentally Responsible US Public Transit Systems
Among the commonly cited benefits of robust public transit is a reduction in environmental impact. In this mini-project, we will explore US Public Transit systems to assess their environmental efficiency. Our analysis will use a variety of data sources to i) determine how many riders are served by different transit systems; ii) determine how far each public transit system transports an average rider; and iii) investigate the effective emissions associated with each form of transit.
Data Acquisition
We begin by downloading and importing relevant data sets. For this mini-project, we will download the following details:
- EIA State Electricity Profiles, which we will use to estimate the environmental impact of the electricity used to run certain transit systems.
Incorporate the instructor provided code below into your report. As you do so, make sure to look for possible “keys” on which you will be able to join datasets together.
State Electricity Profiles
For purposes of this analysis, we will assume that all electricity generation in a state is fungible. That is, we will assign the average generation emissions to all electric transit in a state, even if the transit authority officially has a “green supply” agreement in place.
The following code will parse the EIA SEP summary pages and create a “tidy” table for your use:
This produces the following table:
select(-abbreviation) |>
arrange(desc(CO2_MWh)) |>
mutate(CO2_MWh = number(CO2_MWh, big.mark=","),
electricity_price_MWh = dollar(electricity_price_MWh),
generation_MWh = number(generation_MWh, big.mark=",")) |>
rename(`Pounds of CO2 Emitted per MWh of Electricity Produced`=CO2_MWh,
`Primary Source of Electricity Generation`=primary_source,
`Average Retail Price for 1000 kWh`=electricity_price_MWh,
`Total Generation Capacity (MWh)`= generation_MWh,
State=state) |>
Here, we have collected the effective emissions per MWh2 as well as price and total state-wide generation capacity. We will use this data to compare the emissions of different transit modalities. We next turn to the National Transit Database to get information on various public transit authorities. Before we do so, however, let’s explore the SEP data a bit first.
Answer the following questions using the EIA_SEP_REPORT
- Which state has the most expensive retail electricity?
- Which state has the ‘dirtiest’ electricity mix?
- On average, how many pounds of CO2 are emitted per MWh of electricity produced in the US? (Note that you will need to use a suitably weighted average here.)
- What is the rarest primary energy source in the US? What is the associated cost of electricity and where is it used?
- My home state, Texas, has a reputation as being the home of “dirty fossil fuels” while NY has a reputation as a leader in clean energy. How many times cleaner is NY’s energy mix than that of Texas?
2023 Annual Database Energy Consumption
We first download the 2023 Annual Database Energy Consumption report. This report is shared as a Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx
filetype), so we use the readxl
package to import it to R
# Create 'data/mp02' directory if not already present
DATA_DIR <- file.path("data", "mp02")
dir.create(DATA_DIR, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
NTD_ENERGY_FILE <- file.path(DATA_DIR, "2023_ntd_energy.xlsx")
DS <- download.file("https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/2024-10/2023%20Energy%20Consumption.xlsx",
if(DS | (file.info(NTD_ENERGY_FILE)$size == 0)){
cat("I was unable to download the NTD Energy File. Please try again.\n")
stop("Download failed")
provides several different internal tools to download data files from the internet. These can be accessed more-or-less seamlessly by changing the method
argument of the download.file
Depending on your operating system, different methods may work better than others. Above, I used the "curl"
method as that seemed to be the most robust on my computer. If this doesn’t work, for you, I would recommend trying the following:
method = "internal"
method = "wget"
method = "libcurl"
method = "wininet"
If none of these work, download the file by hand and save it as data/mp02/2023_ntd_energy.xlsx
. It is worth making sure that you are able to download data files through R
as this will be important in your course project (and in life generally).
Next, we do some basic clean-up:
to_numeric_fill_0 <- function(x){
replace_na(as.numeric(x), 0)
select(-c(`Reporter Type`,
`Reporting Module`,
`Other Fuel`,
`Other Fuel Description`)) |>
mutate(across(-c(`Agency Name`,
to_numeric_fill_0)) |>
group_by(`NTD ID`, `Mode`, `Agency Name`) |>
summarize(across(where(is.numeric), sum),
.groups = "keep") |>
mutate(ENERGY = sum(c_across(c(where(is.numeric))))) |>
filter(ENERGY > 0) |>
select(-ENERGY) |>
The resulting table is almost ready for us to work with:
# Display 10 random rows
slice_sample(NTD_ENERGY , n=10)
# A tibble: 10 × 16
`NTD ID` Mode `Agency Name` `Bio-Diesel` `Bunker Fuel` `C Natural Gas`
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 30205 MB Transit Management… 0 0 0
2 80107 MB University of Mont… 0 0 0
3 20100 CR MTA Long Island Ra… 0 0 0
4 11 MB Valley Regional Tr… 0 0 384903
5 50002 DR City of Green Bay 0 0 0
6 40041 MB Hillsborough Area … 0 0 1371713
7 50050 RB Indianapolis and M… 0 0 0
8 50045 DR Gary Public Transp… 0 0 0
9 60014 DR City of Brownsville 0 0 0
10 40 CB Central Puget Soun… 517602 0 355175
# ℹ 10 more variables: `Diesel Fuel` <dbl>, `Electric Battery` <dbl>,
# `Electric Propulsion` <dbl>, Ethanol <dbl>, Methonal <dbl>, Gasoline <dbl>,
# Hydrogen <dbl>, Kerosene <dbl>, `Liquified Nat Gas` <dbl>,
# `Liquified Petroleum Gas` <dbl>
Here, the first 3 columns (NTD ID
, Mode
, and Agency Name
) identify the operating agency and the relevant mode of transportation while the remaining columns denote how much of each type of fuel that agency used during 2023. The non-electric sources are all quoted in gallons, while Electric Battery
and Electric Propulsion
are quoted in kWh used.
The Mode
column is important: it is used to distinguish multiple transport types operated the same agency, e.g. MTA subways and buses in NYC. The two letter codes used by the NTD, however, are not immediately interpretable.
First, find the unique Mode
codes in our data using the distinct
function. Next, examine the NTD website and find the interpretations of these codes. Complete the following snippet to recode the Mode
## This code needs to be modified
NTD_ENERGY mutate(Mode=case_when(
== "HR" ~ "Heavy Rail",
...TRUE ~ "Unknown"))
2023 Annual Database Service by Agency
Next, we download the 2023 Service by Agency report, from which we will extract characteristics of typical passenger trips on each transit service.
NTD_SERVICE_FILE <- file.path(DATA_DIR, "2023_service.csv")
DS <- download.file("https://data.transportation.gov/resource/6y83-7vuw.csv",
if(DS | (file.info(NTD_SERVICE_FILE)$size == 0)){
cat("I was unable to download the NTD Service File. Please try again.\n")
stop("Download failed")
As before, we need to clean up the data a bit before we can use it:
mutate(`NTD ID` = as.numeric(`_5_digit_ntd_id`)) |>
rename(Agency = agency,
City = max_city,
State = max_state,
UPT = sum_unlinked_passenger_trips_upt,
MILES = sum_passenger_miles) |>
select(matches("^[A-Z]", ignore.case=FALSE)) |>
filter(MILES > 0)
Here UPT
is the number of total Unlinked Passenger Trips during 2023; that is, the number of distinct (non-transfer) trips taken. E.g., if you transfer from the 7
to the 6
to get to Baruch. You ride two segments, but only take 1 UPT to get to Baruch (2 total UPT if you go home the same way).
Let’s explore this data a bit to get familiar with it.
Answer the following questions using the NTD_SERVICE
Which transit service has the most UPT annually?
What is the average trip length of a trip on MTA NYC?
Which transit service in NYC has the longest average trip length?
(NB: You need to be careful with the
column here. Certain MTA services are officially located in “New York City” while others are located in Brooklyn.) Which state has the fewest total miles travelled by public transit?
Are all states represented in this data? If no, which ones are missing? The
objects we used above may be useful here.
We’re now ready to start putting these datasets together and using them to identify America’s greenest transit agencies.
Calculate Total Emissions
Compute the total emissions associated with each Agency + Mode pair.
You will need to join the three tables (NTD_SERVICE
) together. You should create a table with the following format:
- Each row should be an Agency + Mode Pair
- Each row should include the state in which the Agency is located (per the
table) - Each row should include all fuel sources from the
table - Each row should include the EIA estimated CO2 emissions per MWh from the
Once this table is created, use a (long-ish) arithmetic formula within a mutate
to compute the total emissions for that row. Note that you will need additional data to convert combustion fuels to CO2 emissions; these conversions can be found on the EIA website. (You may hard code these values in your submission. Note that the fuel names used by the EIA do not exactly match those reported by the NTD; you will need to align these manually to best effort.)
Relate Total Emissions and Passenger Service
Now that you have computed the total emissions for each Agency + Mode pair, it is time to normalize these by the actual size of the transit agency. E.g., the NYC Subway almost certainly has higher total emissions than local bus service in Ithaca, NY, but it also serves many more riders, so the per capita or per transit emissions may be lower.
Using the total emissions calculated above, compute the emissions:
- Per UPT; and
- Per passenger mile
Which agencies are most efficient on these bases? You may want to filter out extremely small agencies and to create “small”, “medium”, and “large” agencies so that you can give multiple awards.
Note that transit usage is reported at the Agency level, so you may need to sum emissions across multiple modes.
Idenitify ‘Greenest’ Transit Agencies
With the above analysis, determine the winners of (at least) three GTA IV awards:
- Greenest Transit Agency
- Most Emissions Avoided
- A third award of your creation
- A “Worst Of” award of your creation
The Greenest Transit Agency award can be determined using your analysis above.
For the “Most Emissions Avoided” award, you should first compute the total emissions if all transit usage were replaced with driving individual vehicles. Then use US CAFE standards to convert miles to gallons of motor fuel used and convert motor fuel to total emissions as per above. Compare this to the actual emissions associated with that agency to determine emissions avoided.
For the third award, determine an additional metric on which a transit agency can be considered to be highly green (e.g., highest percentage of electrification) and then determine the appropriate winner.
Finally, for the fourth award, “name and shame” an agency which does not have particularly ‘green’ operations. As with the third award, you can determine a metric you think is best.
Per discussion above, you may choose to break these down into multiple categories (or honorable mention awards) to recognize smaller agencies.
Design and implement metrics for the four GTA IV Green Transit Awards and determine winners.
Deliverable: Transit Award “Press Release”
After completing your analysis, prepare a “press release” announcing the winners in each category. For each award given, your press release should include at a minimum:
- A short description of the way in which the relevant metric was calculated.
- The winning agency and/or transit mode and the value of their metric.
- A ‘reference’ value that makes the winner look particularly impressive, e.g. how did the median agency do on that same metric?
For at least two of the four awards, create a suitable visualization demonstrating the ‘green-ness’ of the award winners, both in absolute terms and relative to other agencies and/or private modes of transporation.
These should be included in your press release as media supplements that can be used by, e.g., a local news report in their nightly broadcast. As such, these graphics should:
- Have professional-quality (“publication ready”) formatting;3
- Have low-clutter / high-information density;
- Be self-contained and accessible to a general reader without significant additional description retired.
- Include citations to original data sources used
As with Mini-Project #01, you are required to present your findings in this format. Because the code implementing this analysis does not fit naturally in the press release format, you may find it easier to style it as an Appendix and to include the press release writing as an Executive Summary at the top of your submission.
Extra Credit Opportunities
Peer evaluators are authorized to give up to 4 points of extra credit (total across all categories) for
- Press release writing that is particularly funny, punny, or otherwise enjoyable to read; and
- Award criteria that are particularly creative and insight-generating. When awarding extra credit, peer evaluators should be sure to assess the quality of the insight generated by these additional awards: finding that, e.g., the NYC subway is highly efficient on two different but highly correlated metrics is not a remarkable insight.
Additionally, up to 4 points of extra credit may be given for code that automatically reads the EIA Fuel Type Emissions estimates automatically instead of hard-coding values. Note that full credit may be given for analysis which hard-codes these EPA estimates: reading and manipulating web data like this is not required until the end of this course. hard-coding )
This work ©2025 by Michael Weylandt is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Throughout this section, replace
with your GitHub ID from Mini-Project #00, making sure to remove the angle brackets. Note that the automated course infrastructure will be looking for precise formatting, so follow these instructions closely.↩︎1 Megawatt-hour (MWh) is 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) or roughly enough to power 3 NYC appartments for one month. Electricity bills are typically cited in kWh; to convert the per MWh price reported here to a per kWh price divide by 1000.↩︎
Make sure to set fonts and figure dimensions large enough to be legible on a large screen.↩︎