STA 9750 - Course Syllabus
All syllabus and course schedule provisions subject to change with suitable advance notice.
- Professor Michael Weylandt
- Department of Information Systems & Statistics
- Zicklin School of Business
- Baruch College, CUNY
Course Meetings
Lecture / Lab Sessions
- Virtual (Synchronous Online)
- Thursdays 6:05pm-9:00pm
- Zoom link provided via Brightspace
Office Hours
- In-Person
- Baruch Main Campus (1 Bernard Baruch Way)
- Newman Vertical Campus (NVC) 11-246
- Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm
- Subject to periodic cancellation (communicated via Brightspace)
- Virtual:
- Thursdays 4:30pm-5:30pm
- Zoom link provided via Brightspace
- 24% Weekly Pre-Assignments
- 3% Each (best eight of ten: lowest two dropped)
- Submission via Brightspace
- 36% Mini Projects
- 7% Each (four total)
- 2% per Peer Feedback (Meta-Review)
- 40% Course Project
- 5% Proposal
- 5% Mid-term Check-In
- 10% Final Presentation
- 7.5% Final Report
- 12.5% Individual Evaluation
Opportunities for Extra Credit: Several opportunities for extra credit will be made available. These include:
Participation in Course Discussion Board (Piazza)
Correction of errors in published course materials (via Github pull request)
Contributions to and enhancements of the course pre-assignments and in-class activities. These should be submitted as a Github pull request against the Course Repository.
Note that contributions to course materials don’t have to be large to be valuable. You can simply clarify points that were not obvious to you, add new auto-graded exercises (see existing materials for examples), create new labs, or even add whole new topics.
You can take part in this extra credit even if you are very new to
: if anything, being a recent learner helps you approach this topic with new eyes and to identify un-clear or “dangerous” edges.Obviously, you should try to make your contributions as accurate as possible, but let yourself be paralyzed by concern: the instructor will review any contributions before making anything “official.”
Final course grades will be curved in accordance with relevant program, departmental, school, and college policies.1
Regrading Policy
If you feel an assignment has been improperly graded, please contact the instructor by private message on the course discussion board within 48 hours of the graded assignment being returned. Note that the instructor will regrade the assignment de novo, so your grade may be adjusted upwards or downwards.
Late Work Policy
This course has many moving pieces and late work will not be accepted. Specifically, late submission slows down the peer review cycle used in this course. All assignments can be submitted multiple times on Brightspace, so you are strongly encouraged to submit early and to submit often. Students are also encouraged to load the course deadlines file into their personal calendar to better track key course dates.
Please note that work must be submitted on Brightspace unless specifically otherwise stated in the written course description or approved in writing by the instructor at least 48 hours before the deadline. Email submissions are not allowed.2
Technology issues are not an approved excuse for late submissions; in particular, Brightspace issues are not an approved excuse for late submission of the Mini-Projects. Brightspace support is provided by BCTC and the BCTC Help Desk. The Help Desk is not staffed 24 hours per day, so you are encouraged to submit early and submit often to avoid issues. The course staff is able to provide additional support for personal computer issues, including git
and RStudio
during regularly-scheduled Office Hours, but BCTC should be your first point of contact.
Individual exceptions to the above policies will be made i) with prior written approval of instructor at least 48 hours before the deadline; or ii) ex post with written note from the Office of the Dean of Students. Please note that, in particular:
- The instructor is not able to provide ex post exceptions; these must be handled through DoS’s Notice of Absence procedures.
- Verbal exceptions discussed in Office Hours or after class are not sufficient. You must follow-up on any discussions and get my written pre-approval by email or on the course discussion board.
Tentative Course Schedule
Week | Lecture Date | Topics | Pre-Assignment | In-Class Lab | Mini-Projects | Additional Notes | |||||
1 | 2025-01-30 | Course Overview and Key Infrastructure:
None | Lab #01 | Mini-Project #00 assigned. Due Wednesday February 12, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | ||||||
2 | 2025-02-06 |
PA #02 | Lab #02 | |||||||
3 | 2025-02-13 | Basic Data and Control Structures in R :
PA #03 | Lab #03 | Mini-Project #01 assigned. Due Wednesday March 05, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | Peer Feedback on Mini Project #00 due Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | |||||
4 | 2025-02-20 | Tidy Data Manipulation I:
git fundamentals. |
PA #04 | Lab #04 | |||||||
5 | 2025-02-27 | Tidy Data Manipulation II:
PA #05 | Lab #05 | Mini-Project #02 assigned. Due Wednesday March 26, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | Peer Feedback on Mini Project #01 due Wednesday March 12, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | |||||
2025-03-06 | No class: Baruch on Wednesday Schedule (President’s Day Make-Up) | ||||||||||
6 | 2025-03-13 |
In-Class Project Proposal Presentations Optional Enrichment Topic: SQL |
7 | 2025-03-20 | Plotting I:
PA #07 | Lab #07 | |||||||
8 | 2025-03-27 | Tools for Interactive Data Analysis
PA #08 | Lab #08 | Mini-Project #03 assigned. Due Wednesday April 23, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | Peer Feedback on Mini Project #02 due Wednesday April 02, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | |||||
9 | 2025-04-03 | Data Import | PA #09 | Lab #09 | |||||||
10 | 2025-04-10 |
Mid-Semester Check-In Presentations Optional Enrichment Topic: Functional Programming Tools |
2025-04-17 | No class: Baruch Spring Recess | ||||||||||
11 | 2025-04-24 | Elements of Web Scraping
PA #11 | Lab #11 | Mini-Project #04 assigned. Due Wednesday May 07, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | Peer Feedback on Mini Project #03 due Wednesday April 30, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | |||||
12 | 2025-05-01 |
PA #12 | Lab #12 | |||||||
13 | 2025-05-08 | Predictive Modeling in R |
PA #13 | Lab #13 | Peer Feedback on Mini Project #04 due Wednesday May 14, 2025 at 11:45pm ET | ||||||
14 | 2025-05-15 |
Final Presentations Course Wrap-Up |
Workload Expectations
The following approximate breakdown of expected course workload is intended to help you properly prepare for and schedule the out-of-class work associated with this course. Note that, persuant to relevant Federal and State regulations, a 3-credit course taken over a 15 week semester should require approximately 6 hours of out-of-class work from an average student, or 90 hours total over the course of the semester.34 This time should be roughly allocated as:
- Weekly Pre-Assignments (10 hours)
- Review of Previous Week’s Materials (10 hours)
- Mini-Projects: (35 hours total)
- Mini-Project #00 (3 hours):
- Initial Submission (2 hours)
- Peer Feedback (1 hour)
- Mini-Projects #01-#04 (32 hours total; average 8 hours per mini-project)
- Mini-Project #00 (3 hours):
- Course Project (35 hours)
- Proposal Presentation (3 hours)
- Check-In Presentation (3 hours)
- Final Presentation (5 hours)
- Individual Report (20 hours)
- Group Report (4 hours)
Note that, for the course project, the individual and group reports will require work throughout the semester, not simply at the end, though the majority of the effort is likely required in the latter half of the semester. As such, the first two Mini-Projects are designed to take more effort than the final two.
All syllabus and course schedule provisions subject to change with suitable advance notice.
Theoretically, this may result in scores equivalent to an
in an un-curved course receiving a lower grade in this course. In practice, the instructor will design course assessments to induce a range of scores and does not anticipate “down-curving” happening.↩︎Though ubiquitous, email is a remarkably ‘flaky’ service, providing the sender no way to guarantee their message arrives untampered and providing the recipient no way to guarantee the providence of a message received. (This is not quite true: there are tools for more secure email but they are somewhat more difficult to use and are not supported at CUNY.) Brightspace is integrated with CUNY’s Identity Verification Services and allows students to guarantee correct submission. Note that Brightspace does not, by default, send students an email confirming submission, but I believe this is an option that can be enabled on the student’s end.↩︎
For this course, an average student is a student who enters the course with:
- Basic computer literacy, including use of the file system, plain text files and editors, etc.;
- A small amount of programming experience, not necessarily in
; and - Fluency with statistics and data analysis at the level of (at least) STA 9708, ideally STA 9700;
and is earning a B-range grade. If you have less background or are aiming for a higher grade, you should expect to commit proportionally more time to this course.If you lack the prerequisite background listed above or simply wish to review it before the semester begins in earnest, please reach out to the instructor and I will be more than happy to provide supplementary readings.↩︎
The CUNY Graduate Center has a useful summary of these expectations. Baruch courses follow the same standards. See also CUNY Central Policy.↩︎